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The Buzz On Stinging Insect Management: Effective Strategies For Your Athens Home


As spring approaches, many homeowners in Athens look forward to enjoying the longer days filled with sunlight and the warmer temperatures in their lawn and garden areas. Individuals might encounter dangerous types of stinging insects while cutting grass, gardening, and other outdoor activities. Although these flying creatures assist the environment in several ways, they also represent pests that can deliver a painful and potentially dangerous sting.

Have you discovered a stinging insect nest on your property? Based on the possible risks involved, property owners should contact the pros for wasp or hornet pest control in Athens based on the potential risks involved. A properly qualified Athens pest control professional understands the importance of safety and will handle these matters without creating risks for you and your family.

Understanding The Threat: Identifying Common Stinging Insects

Why is it important for local homeowners to speak with a professional when they need hornet or wasp nest removal? The primary reason for immediately contacting a local hornet or wasp exterminator is possible health risks.

With stinging insects, we usually refer to those belonging to the order Hymenoptera. More specifically, we are primarily concerned with winged types, including bees and wasps. Three of the most common types of bees found in residential settings include honey bees, bumble bees, and carpenter bees. Bees are primarily vegetarians that typically have round bodies with hair.

Wasps are types of insects that are generally predators that can deliver multiple stings. Among the most common examples include paper wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets. In contrast to bees, the bodies of wasps are typically slim and often appear shiny or smooth.

The Impact Of Stinging Insects On Health: The Risks Of Infestations

Bees and wasps usually defend their nests in swarms, which can be problematic for homeowners that abruptly disturb a nest. These pests have venom that varies in potency.

Most individuals that experience a single sting will experience pain, swelling, and irritation on the skin. You should ensure that the stinger is removed, preferably using tweezers. Next, wash the area of the skin with soap and water and use ice to help alleviate pain. Apply hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion as needed to help with itching or swelling.

Some people have more adverse, allergic reactions that could require medical attention. In extreme cases, individuals will enter anaphylactic shock and exhibit symptoms such as nausea, shortness of breath, changes in blood pressure, or unconsciousness. Those will significant allergies to stings may be advised by their physician to take an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine or use a prescribed epinephrine option.

Stay Ahead Of The Buzz: Tips To Prevent Stinging Insect Infestations

What are some of the best preventative practices that Athens-area property owners should understand regarding types of stinging insects in Athens? Consider these tips:

  • Inspect the exterior of the structure for any cracks or crevices that might serve as nests, such as in siding or eaves.
  • Fill in ground holes that might contain nests.
  • Keep food covered during outdoor barbeques and thoroughly remove all remnants afterward.
  • All trash in outdoor areas should remain inside sealed garbage cans.
  • Avoid fragrant lotions or perfumes that might attract these pests when you plan to be outdoors.

These preventative measures are sound; however, those who notice an active nest should seek assistance from a professional hornet or wasp removal service. A well-qualified hornet or wasp control service provider maintains the tools and equipment necessary for getting the job done quickly. 

Safety First: The Importance Of Professional Stinging Insect Control

Are you wondering how to respond after locating a nest containing types of stinging insects on your property? American Pest Control is among the region’s leading providers of wasp and hornet control services for residents of the Athens area. For comprehensive residential pest management services, contact our office today.

Our certified pest experts will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Simply fill out this form for a free, no-obligation estimate.

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(706) 702-4532
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