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Are You Struggling To Deal With Bald-Faced Hornets In Franklin?


Insect bites and stings are never pleasant, especially when they’re coming from a bald-faced hornet. Here’s what Franklin homeowners should know about identifying bald-faced hornets, how to deter them, where they may nest on your property, and the best way to protect your property with pest control in Franklin. 

Is This A Bald-Faced Hornet?

Despite their name, bald-faced hornets aren’t closely related to hornets – they’re actually a type of yellow jacket. Bald-faced hornets have black bodies and white or ivory markings on their face, thorax, and the tip of their abdomen. They are bigger than most yellow jackets.

Here are a few other facts about this stinging insect in Franklin: 

  • Bald-faced hornets aren’t afraid to attack or protect their nest if they feel threatened. Their sting isn’t a pleasant experience, and the pain and itchiness could last up to an entire day. 
  • Bald-faced hornets attack in swarms like many other wasps and stinging insects. 
  • A single bald-faced hornet nest can contain up to 400 workers, making it incredibly dangerous to stumble upon one of these nests. 
  • A bald-faced hornet queen will hibernate during the winter and build a new nest once springtime comes. 
  • If you stumble upon a bald-faced hornet nest, waving your arms or moving too quickly will increase the likelihood of getting stung. 

These wasps are aggressive, and it is best to avoid having their nest on your Franklin property.

Ways To Deter Bald-Faced Hornets In Franklin

Here’s what you can do to protect your Franklin home from bald-faced hornets and prevent stinging insects: 

  • Seal up any holes that lead into your home so that these hornets can’t build their nests in your house. 
  • Keep any bushes, shrubs, or trees trimmed near your home. 
  • Use a fine wire mesh to cover up attic vents that hornets may use as an entrance. 
  • Avoid attracting stinging insects and other pests by covering food when eating outside. Also, seal trash containers with tight-fitting lids. Lastly, pick up any food or garbage after eating outside. 

Prevention is the best approach with any dangerous pest, but if you find yourself with an active bald-faced hornet nest on your property, American Pest Control can help.

Where Is The Bald-Faced Hornets Nest On My Property?

If bald-faced hornets do decide they’d like to nest on your property, where can you find them? Unlike other stinging insects and wasps, bald-faced hornets prefer to build their nests above the ground as this is where they feel the most secure. Unfortunately, they’re not afraid to make a nest near humans. 

Shrubs, bushes, trees, and other dense vegetation are popular spots for bald-faced hornets to build nests, but they may also take up residence in your attic or the eaves of your deck. A bald-faced hornet’s nest is usually gray and can be up to two feet long and fourteen inches in diameter. 

Professional Pest Control To Help With Bald-Faced Hornets

Dealing with bald-faced hornets or a potential nest is not a DIY job, and you could put yourself and your family in danger if you try to remove a nest on your own. That’s why professional home pest control in Franklin is the best solution, and American Pest Control can help. 

If you suspect you may have a bald-faced hornet nest or any other stinging insect nest on your property, there’s only one thing to do. Contact American Pest Control to learn more about our stinging insect control services and how we can protect your Franklin home. Request a free inspection today.

Our certified pest experts will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Simply fill out this form for a free, no-obligation estimate.

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(706) 702-4532
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